RE|dance group
RE|imagine RE|invent RE|define
RE|dance group's mission is to create work that uses the physical body as the primary vehicle for expressing ideas. We combine elements of dance, theatre, and sculpture to produce imagery and tell stories of our contemporary world.
We are dedicated to the presentation of dance theatre works that examine the many facets of personal, intimate human relationships. The instability and uncertainty of charged relationships act as symbols for living in a volatile, contemporary world. We ground our artistic philosophy in creative exchange, seeking to expand our voices as contemporary artists. We (along with a growing number of collaborators) enjoy an open process where all ideas are shared, investigated, and then crafted into dances that embody a heightened physical experience rich with emotional content and dramatic imagery. Our work reflects a rigorous inquiry into the body's capability for expression through motion and movement—from the subtle to the immense. The winding path from imagined concept to physical reality to audience experience intrigues us and grounds our process. The creative process is an ever-evolving dynamic between intention, honesty, intuition, and play.
Creative partners Lucy Vurusic Riner and Michael Estanich established RE|dance group in 2009 as a means to explore long-distance collaborations. Though we call Chicago home base for RE|dance group, the partnership rests on a unique long-distance collaboration. Estanich lives in Stevens Point, WI, while Vurusic Riner is a Chicago-based independent artist. We became fascinated with the idea of creating work in a new way—generating movement material while we were together and developing characters or deepening our personal understanding of ideas while we are apart.